Ever since the Persona was first documented in Alan Cooper’s 1998 book The Inmates Are Running the Asylum, it has become a staple in the world of interaction design – and more recently in workplace communication and engagement.
The art and science of communicating with multicultural Victorians
It’s well understood that the key elements in any communications campaign are the audience, the message and the medium. While the same elements will guide decisions when communicating with multicultural communities, the complexity lies in the critical order of priority.
Language can almost be considered an organism because it is always changing. The evolution of mobile phones into smartphones has revolutionised the way we communicate in the 21st century. Using pictorial symbols for words or phrases has become second nature to new generations, with emojis centre-stage as the latest tech-driven leap in human expression
Over the last few weeks I have spoken to people at different stages in their career about what PR consulting is really about and how the profession has changed.